Ready for delivery and use.
Catalog mRNAs include useful controls and reporter mRNAs, such as eGFP, luciferase and ovalbumin.
The expression and performance of our catalog mRNAs has been extensively validated in different experiments and cell-types.
We stock catalog mRNAs ready for immediate shipping and use.
Catalog mRNAs can also be LNP formulated and produced at large scale upon request.
eGFP |
Luciferase |
Nanoluc |
mCherry |
CRISPR (Cas9) |
Ovalbumin |
HA/H1N1 |
Cre Recombinase |
Our support team is available to help with your mRNA projects.
Research Laboratories
Level 3, AIBN (#75)
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072
Manufacture Facility
Level 6, Translational Research Institute
37 Kent St
Woolloongabba, QLD 4102